How to do Downward Dog Pose during Sun Salutations

There was a post earlier regarding the downward dog near the beginning of the practice - I like to call it a downward dance. This post is to commit to the stillness and steadiness of the pose during the Sun Salutations.

What is the point?

  • Finding balance - neutral spine, evenly distribute weight in hands and feet

  • Build strength - the arms and the shoulders as the hold the body weight

  • Lengthen - the hamstrings, shoulders and calves

  • Rest - a moment to rest physically, emotionally, energetically in between vinyasa flows

  • Inversion - having the hips higher than the heart and head, is calming for the nervous system

Downward Dog is a place to re-centre and re-connect with breath. When exploring the pose ensure that the hands are grounded, trapezius muscles are soft while the shoulders are building strength. The alignment of the spine is essential to allow flow to movie freely. If breath is not calm, I encourage to yogis to take a moment in child’s pose. Similar calming benefits without the strengthening and stretching that downward dog provides.

Here is a video of how I cue downward dog as I flow through the Sun Salutations. I invite you to press play and come play! Namaste.

April Miranda