How to do Chaturanga Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana or “Four-Limbed Staff-pose” is a connecting pose between plank and upward dog during the sun salutations that builds strength.

It is important to ensure the hands are a solid foundation, the abdominal muscles are engaged to protect the back, along with the heels, hips, shoulders and ears are in alignment.

I like to inhale while I lengthen the spine, even shift my nose and gaze a little forward past my hands, then exhale while I lower and prepare for the next part of the flow which is upward dog or cobra.

Modifications include having your knees on the mat. However, stay connected to the core and arm strengthening through safe alignment.

Here is a video of how I cue chaturanga dandasana as I flow through the Sun Salutations. I invite you to come press play and come play! Namaste.

April Miranda