3 Reasons Why I Love Yoga

While moving to a big city, exploring the entertainment industry, and navigating my twenties was a wild ride - yoga kept me sane. 

Here are 3 reasons why I love yoga and teach yoga:

1.) Yoga Challenges Me

Yoga challenges physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically. My practice builds strength, flexibility and mobility. I practice mental awareness and emotional stability on my yoga mat. And I explore my relationship with my spirituality.

2.) Yoga Helps Me Develop Self-Awareness

I play with self-discovery, exploration, forgiveness, compassion and LOVE on and off my yoga mat. I find homeostasis and feel at ease with my reality.

3.) Yoga Helps Me Feel Connected

When I do yoga, I feel connected to myself, to others and to the Divine dance that we are all connected. I feel "in FLOW" and one with everything when I take time to connect my movement with breath.

If you feel guided to start a mindful movement practice, meditation practice, or need support with bringing yoga into your life / workplace please connect with me at april@aprilmiranda.com

April Miranda